
Hearftfelt Holistic HealingAnxiety is normal for everyone at certain times. You could be anxious about your job, finances or a test you need to take. Having an anxiety disorder can be something minor for someone or very severe. It can affect many aspects of your life and make you miserable. It is excessive fear, worry, apprehension or dread. You may have a pounding heart, sweating, stomach upset, dizziness, shortness of breath, muscle tension, tremors, headaches, fatigue or insomnia. Some people get panic attacks with their anxiety.

You could get anxious due to social situations, flying, heights, driving, spiders, snakes, dogs, water, etc. It could be something that started when you were a child or something that appears over time.

If not treated, anxiety can interfere with your daily life. Trying alternative healing modalities is a good, safe option.

If you can relate to dealing with anxiety and would like help. I’d love to help you get a better handle on it. Give me a call or send an email so we can discuss what treatments would be best for you.